
Showing posts from 2011

The International Energy Agency (IEA) released its flagship publication “World Energy Outlook 2011”.

Download the 2011 Global Cleantech 100 report: A Barometer of the Changing Face of Global Cleantech Innovation

Can Venture Capital Really Influence Environmental Sustainability?

A Guiding Light for New Directions in Energy Production: Optofluidics Could Help Solve the Energy Challenge

ROI of 11-12% Predicted for Commercial Renewables

Better Desalination Technology Key to Solving World's Water Shortage

Super Green Consumers Indulge Taste for Bling

CO2 to Hold Steady This Year, But Rise Coming in 2012

Putting Sunshine in the Tank

10 Perspectives on the Future of Water

Seventh Gen, Whole Foods Top Green Brands Ranking

100 Leading Companies Measured on Actual vs. Perceived Sustainability Efforts

First Polymer Solar-Thermal Device Heats Home, Saves Money

First Macro-Scale Thin-Film Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell: Strong, Nanostructured Membrane Enables Scaling for Clean-Energy Applications

Consumers Never Heard of ‘Biobased’ – But Know It’s Green

New Solar Cell Technology Greatly Boosts Efficiency

A Renewable Twist on Fossil Fuels

Synthetic Trees Remove CO2 from Atmosphere !

Bloomberg Claims 200% ROI on Sustainability

Antibody-Based Biosensor Can Guide Environmental Clean-Ups, Provide Early Warning System for Spills

New Online Mechanism for Electric Vehicle Charging

Power purchase agreements (PPAs), Other Deal Financing Tools will Weigh on Balance Sheets

Overview of Cleantech VC deals in April: Greentech Venture Funding in April Roundup $335M

Hot Clean energy technologies - highlights from the MIT Clean Energy Prize